Czech and German for Foreigners online

Welcome to my web


my name is Jana and I love teaching, translating and studying languages. I have worked as a  teacher and translator for  more than 25 years, with thousands of lessons of teaching experience. I have had thousands of individual online lessons of German and Czech so far.  As far as my qualification is concerned, I graduated in German and Czech from the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in 1997. During my studies, I was chosen to take part in a scholarship programme from the DAAD (a semester at the University of Berlin and a semester at the University of Cologne). While studying in Prague, I managed to work as a teacher of Czech to foreigners in multinational companies, such as Unilever or Eli Lilly. After I finished school, I worked as a translator and interpreter for a German company. I understand Russian and I am able to explain German or Czech grammar to my Russian students while using my knowledge of Russian if they ask me to do so. I am fluent in English (C1 - CAE) and I can support my explanations with my English as well. I passed the exam for translators (German - Czech, level C2) and I also work as a state certified translator of German and Czech.   I am also a co-author of a Czech and German dictionary.  As far as my work style is concerned, I plan my lessons very thoroughly and I often accompany them with individually tailored teaching materials. 

I look forward to meeting you,                         


Some useful links:

Mgr. Jana Stránská

Czech and German tutoring online

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